Im on the beach! In fact in Zipolite- a very small pacific town, with the best chicken bbq youve ever had. Its just like how you would imagine beach paradide...palm trees, hammocks, thatched roofs and ofcourse insanely hot weather (Im not complaining i swear!). Yeah your sweating all the time, and cant sleep past about 9am because it gets too hot. 9am´s pretty early.
From Oaxaca, me and a friend (Jason, the crazy american i mentioned before..the guy who got chased by a jaguar) got a van to San Jose Del Pacifico for a night. Its this amazing little mountain town, surrounded by thick pine cloudforests.
The next day went down to Puerto Escondido. This is possibly one of the best places i have travelled to; a short poem to describe it:
Puertopuerto is the best-o,
hot but cool and cheap as pesto,
perfect beach and tacos too,
where hippys thrive and pelicans coo,
dolphins here and turles there,
i want to stay, ok thats fair.
Hmm that was random i dont know why i just writ a poem...
But yeah puerto was the coolest place ever, met the best people in the world (including 4 people from Oaxaca by coincidence). Me and Jorge & Tessa (these dutch folk) went on a boat trip and saw dolphins and turtles (as the poem describes) and flying manta rays.
There was also the best coconut icecream ive ever had (and ive had alot), and great tacos and juice. They would cut down a coconut with their machete and then cut the top off and just stick a staw in.
Left Puerto after 5 days (i think..) and went down to Zipolite (where i am now) with Jorge, Tessa and Rob (irish guy). Rob was cool and for some reason was carrying with him boxing gloves, 2 surf boards and a saxophone.
After a few days, Jorge & Tessa (reallyreally great people who i got to know well, as i met them back in oaxaca) went off to San Cristobal de las Casas, so me and Rob went down to Barra de la Cruz. Its this extrememly small surfers village, just down the coast. Surfed. Slept in a hammock (apparently mexican mosquitos think Simon blood is pretty good..). Rob gave me a surfing lesson. It was super fun, and i was suprised that I actually managed to stand up and 'properly' surf! Wasnt much to do thoughç apart from this so i got a lift with this cool couple (the guys job is to map the bottom of oceans, and hes had loads of tv people filming and stuff. cool times) who had a massive land rover which they got from South Africa, and are driving up from Argentina to Alaska. Crazy. It was really fun.
Yeah so they took me to Mazunte (just up from Zipolite) and i stayed there for 4/5 nights (cant really one really uses the time or date here). I bumped into a german friend i met in oaxaca here as well, and so hung around with her and some cool other people. We went to the mangroves just north of Mazunte, and got a boat ride through them. Amazing. It sounds nerdy but i guess with the whole 'biology thing' i know how productive and important mangroves are, so to be in the middle of them was real cool. Crocodiles, weird birds, turtles, iguanas (there are iguanas everywhere here; one stole some bananas i had next to my bed the other night...pretty terrifying knowing that it was that close to me, considering that they are literally like small dinosaurs). The trees are amazing; roots coming out everywhere and so strong. We got out of the boat and had a climb around.
Also met some really cool americans in Mazunte who i went up the cliff with and watched the sunset a few times.
And now im back in Zipolite again! So ive done a bit of a back and forth mission recently, just because i know i have to go back to Oaxaca to meet the parents and stefan on the 30th. Met a guy from Bristol yesterday whose staying here (with the proper accent and all..he didnt believe i was from bristol because of my accent), and also 2 cool danish girls who im hanging around with. We went to a great party yesterday. It was on the beach (of course) and there was a live reggae band (playing hits such as 'Night Nurse', which reminded me of home for a second because its what ralph sometimes plays) and fire dancing, and lots of hippys doing what hippys do.
Everywheres gearing up for Samana Santa (holy week) so its getting exciting.
So yeah its been an intensely relaxed, very hot (i think my skins pretty much black now), cant-remember-anything-ive-done-because-ive-done-nothing few weeks. I love it.
So back to Oaxaca and then maybe to San Cristobal after. Ill update sometime soon.
Love para todos
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